
The benefits of managing and protecting the world’s forest resources are universally accepted. It is the responsibility of any timber company to promote the legal procurement and sustainable management of timber resources. NHG Timber has been closely engaged with the development of sustainable forest management by our suppliers, constantly supporting and encouraging their efforts. Over the years, there is no denying that awareness of environmental issues relating to forestry has increased, and at the same time, the response of the trade in answering those concerns has developed in equal measure. Wood is recognised as one of the very few truly renewable resources and we support its continued use for a wide range of applications.

We have implemented the U.K Timber Trade Federation’s Responsible Purchasing Policy since its inception. This policy now serves as a framework for our risk assessment and due diligence procedures to ensure compliance with the EU Timber Regulation. It is independently audited annually. To further support our due diligence work, we regularly conduct second party traceability audits with our suppliers in high risk countries which provide important risk mitigation.

The Directors recognise the importance of certified timber in demonstrating not just compliance with environmental legislation such as the U.K./E.U. Timber Regulation, but also the good practice undertaken by our suppliers in providing legally sourced products.  We are committed to sourcing FSC® and PEFC™ certified products where appropriate and operating a robust chain of custody system for these and other legally verified schemes such as OLB and VL that is currently accredited by BM TRADA.

The Chain of Custody Certificates for FSC®, PEFC™ and Forest Products Chain of Custody are available for download below:

NHG Timber – CoC Certificate

NHG Timber Ltd PEFC™ 2023-01 exp Sept 24

NHG Timber Ltd FSC® 2023-01 exp Oct 26